Hi friends!

Image by Christa Elyce Photography

Image by Christa Elyce Photography

So I started 2016 with a goal to blog at least 2 blog posts per month…well it’s March 13, and my last post was New Year’s Eve. I could insert a sad emoji, but I’m choosing to move forward and embrace that I can’t do it all, especially with a babe who can crawl and is into everything! (Now I will insert 🙁 here!)

Some days I feel like I am on top of the world… Kerrington might only wake once through the night which helps me to sleep well. I wake rested, excited for the day. I have a moment to read the Word either in my Bible or through The First 5 App (which I LOVE!) Then playtime with the babe is joyful, her morning nap lasts long enough for me to get an entire workout in, a shower, and get dressed for the day with clean hair and makeup. Errands go well, dinner gets made, bedtime goes smooth, and then time with the hubby is blissful. Whew! A full day with a full heart at the end of it.

But, not everyday looks like that. Somedays there’s crying and screaming (Almost always it’s Kerrington!) nothing gets done, I snap at those around me, Daisy May (our beloved first born a.k.a. our dog) gets neglected and yelled at, and then the few precious moments with K after baby’s bedtime are rushed or spent with head in my phone because I. just. don’t. have anything else to give. My body, mind, and soul feel empty and depleted.

Learning to balance has been a hard lesson to learn. Wearing multiple hats as millions of other women do is just exhausting sometimes. But, its in those moments when I realize I can’t do it all because I literally can’t do it all. But I can learn to balance, learn to be kind, patient, and gentle, learn to be a better Christ follower, a doting wife, a loving mama with Jesus’ help and guidance. Only He can teach me.

So I’m hitting refresh on the year. Heck refresh on the month. I’ve already failed too many times to count, but instead of looking back, I’m fixing my eyes on Him, who’s in front of me inviting me to follow and learn.

I’m still going to fail because I am human, but with Jesus on my side it’ll feel a lot less like failure and lot more like growth.

“Lord I lay my life down, my heart, my tired and exhausted soul at your feet. Mold me into who You have called me to be. In Jesus name, Amen.”

xoxo, Tamara